Welcome to MuDiCu Wireless Demo.


In this computer you can find a simulation of two types of wireless services. One for a PDA and another one for a mobile phone with a wap browser.

The PDA one is divided in three major digital culture categories:

The first one is an on-line guide of Art Futura: a festival in Barcelona devoted to infography, computer animation and graphics and video-games. It is a comprehensive guide which you could download from the web and then take it with you to the festival or even the organisers could beam it to your wireless device. It is pure HTML so it can be viewed in any PDA, no matter if the system is PalmOS, Windows CE or even Linux.

The second one is a Description of the main DJ sessions in Sonar, the famous Barcelona festival devoted to electronic music. It describes the complete contents of two main sections of the festival: showcases and sonarlab. Besides being able to read the text and watch pictures, you can also hear a sample of the music to be played, so as to get a better idea if you would like to go to hear that DJ/Musician or not. Something you could never do with a paper guide!

The third one is an on-line guide of electronic music clubs in Barcelona. This could be the part of a major Digital Culture guide which could be downloaded in public places in a city or through Internet so tourists could get instant information of what’s going on in the city and keep it always in their PDA.


The Demo for the mobile phone contains only one category: the nightclubbing guide which could be accessed by any mobile phone with a wap browser. Information is presented in an iconic manner so as to assure that the more information is presented in such a small screen. The icons use faces which express the fashion and style of the music offered in the club, so people into dance music could easily identify the styles in a happy manner. Nevertheless, the icons are so easy to distinguish that even people not familiar with the looks and styles will remenber them easily next time once they read the description in the help section.

That’s all! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The MuDiCu Team